Meeting Notes from March 7, 2024
President Justin Raithel opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob Mange gave the Invocation. This meeting was the Rotary Speech Contest.
Secretary Jim Padgett introduced guests and visiting Rotarians.
President Justin announced that the club will be doing projects on Saturdays from now on. On Saturday, March 9, the club worked on a trail at the Powerhouse State Park from 9 until noon. On March 16, the club will be painting the gazebo in Folsom City Park from 9 until noon. (Editor's note: At the Powerhouse, only 5 club members were there working. Thankfully, 12 Interactors were also there working. Bottom line is we NEED more Rotarians at projects. Trudy Nygren has been announcing the projects at the meetings. Please put them on your calendar and come out to help.)
The Dragon Boat is now full with 16 rowers. However, we still need 4 alternates to sign up. We will have two tents at the event including one for beer sales. Chuck Thurman volunteered to take care of beer sales.
Frank Ali announced that we will have an Octoberfest this fall and the Fair Oaks Rotary Club will be working with us. At their Crab Feed recently, they made $50K. We plan to learn from them.
Bob Mange introduced the Speech Contest. We had 3 contestants and, as before, they were introduced after the speeches and the students then introduced their families. Bob also introduced Susan Posner, the speech teacher at Folsom High School. What was different this year is that we could applaud after each contestant rather than waiting until the end. The theme for the speech was "Create Hope in the World", the RI President's theme for this Rotary year.
Jim Ortega levied fines between the speeches.
Bob introduced the winners:
  • First place - MyKlin Cooper
  • Second place - Savanna Chetel
  • Third place - Maya Alavi
Bob Mange, MyKlin Cooper, Maya Alavi, and Savanna Chetal

John Messner, John Abernethy, and Doug Burton were judges. Vicki Bencken was the teller and Jim Padgett was the timer.
Thank You Letter from Susan Posner
Bob Mange received the following thank you letter from Susan Posner and thought it should be shared with the club.
Dear Bob,
Thank you for the time and energy you invest in today's youth. Your passion for education continues to shine in the many ways you support students. As always, it was such a pleasure to be welcomed by the Rotary group last night. Through the years I have watched as members greet shy, nervous students and their families - doing their best to put them as ease. For many of them, this is their first opportunity to speak before a group of adults. Over the past 20+ years, former students have shared how valuable this speaking experience has been in their lives.  What a great way to approach public speaking - while having the chance to earn a monetary prize as well!
The beautiful card and very generous gift you presented to me is appreciated. Please let your membership know how much their support of FCUSD teachers is valued. My own son received a Dictionary in 3rd grade - which has been used extensively. Students return each year from the Leadership Conference motivated by their interactions with leaders in our community and valuable insights we cannot provide in the classroom. I have enjoyed returning with students to the speech event - greeting Rotary friends I have met through the years. 
Thank you for all that you do,
Powerhouse Trail Project
On Saturday, March 9, 2024, our club worked with the Folsom High School Interact Club and State Park Rangers on a trail at the Folsom Powerhouse. The project was to repair the trail and lay down decomposed granite. The club members who worked were Trudy Nygren, John Messner, Brent Sundahl, Monika Reyes, and Khari Nelson. Trudy provided lunch when the project was done at noon.
For more photos of the project, go to Powerhouse Project on our website.
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