Meeting Notes from January 23, 2025
The meeting of January 23 was opened by President Ramesh Dontha at 7 pm. Bill Hutto led the Pledge of Allegiance and Bob Mange gave the Invocation.
Secretary Jim Padgett introduced guests and visiting Rotarians.
President Ramesh said that CBS Channel 13 covered the LA wildfire relief efforts of Folsom Rotary Clubs donations led by Conni and Chuck Thompson, co-presidents of the Rotary Club of Historic Folsom. You can view the video at
Rotary Response to LA Wildfires.
Ryan Jantzen again asked members to sign-up as mentors at the 30th Annual Partnerships for Tomorrow Leadership and Ethics Conference which will be on Thursday, February 27. You can register as a mentor at
Partnerships for Tomorrow Mentors.
President Ramesh reminded the members that the January 30 meeting will be a fun off-site meeting at Dave and Buster's.
President Ramesh invited members and guests to the club Valentine's Party on February13 at the Folsom Community Center.
President Ramesh announced that Charlie Grows, Rotarian of the Year, will be the 2025 Folsom Rodeo Grand Marshall. Joe Gagliardi made the announcement at a recent Chamber meeting.
"Get to Know Your Fellow Rotarian" Ryan DeVore was presented to the club by President Ramesh. If you missed the meeting, you can view Ryan's Profile at
Ryan DeVore.
There were no fines.
Vicki Bencken introduced our speaker, Dave Jorz. At 76 years old he recently completed his summer with a 4100 mile bike ride across the United States in 72 days. He shared his experiences with a slide show of the many places he rode through and the many experiences he had on this tremendous ride. He was recently featured in an article in the Folsom Times which can be viewed at
Dave's Incredible Ride.
President Ramesh presented a chocolate Rotary wheel and chocolates from Snookâs to Dave for sharing his story with us.
February Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday to the following members:
- Jason Brinitzer - February 1
- Bob Hoffman - February 8
- Ken Stuart - February 17
- Gary Krause - February 27
- Olga Garton - February 28
Happy Anniversary to the following couples:
- Gary and Sharon Krause - February 11 - 36 years
- John and Lesley Kemp - February 16 - 63 years