Meeting Notes from October 24, 2024
Prior to the start of the meeting, there was a ceremonial passing of a Chevrolet van from the Rotary Club of Arden Arcade to the Rotary Club of Folsom to the Flying Samaritans Mother Lode Chapter. The van will be used in Mexico when the Mother Lode and Gold Coast Chapters of Flying Samaritans are on their missions to provide medical services to those in need in Baja California. The new van will replace a very rusted 25 year old Ford van.
2013 11 seat Chevrolet 1500 van going to Baja California, Mexico.
The donation process started when John Messner returned from a trip to Baja and talked to the Rotary Club of Folsom board about donating a newer van. According to John, the old Ford was so bad that the windshield was taped on with duct tape. The board agreed to spend up to $12,000 for a van. The Rotary Club of Arden Arcade and another partner had a van they planned to replace. Although the van being replaced was worth more than $12,000, they agreed to sell it for that amount.
John Messner, Peter Le Lievre, President of Mother Lode Chapter Flying Samaritans, President Ramesh Dontha, President Christine Jensen of Rotary Club of Arden Arcade, and District Governor Steve Turner. President Christine passed the keys and pink slip to President Ramesh.
President Rameshj passed the keys and pink slip to Peter.
Peter with the Rotarians who have been on volunteer trips with Flying Samaritans.
This event was covered by the Folsom Times and the Folsom Telegraph. Their articles can be viewed at Folsom Time coverage and Folsom Telegraph coverage.
The Meeting.
John Abernethy was the member spotlight for October 24 and his profile will be available in the next Bullegraph.
The meeting of October 24 was opened by President Ramesh at 7 pm. Chuck Thurman led the Pledge of Allegiance and Bob Mange gave the Invocation.
Secretary Jim Padgett introduced guests and visiting Rotarians. The bar was purchased by an anonymous person.
President Ramesh talked about the Rotary Foundation Dinner and the recognition that the club received for Foundation giving in the 2023/2024 Rotary year. At the dinner, May and Elio Marsalla were recognized as Arch Klumph Society Members from the Folsom Rotary Club. Ramesh asked Frank Woods to explain who the Marsallas were.
Frank said that Elio Marsalla was President when he was inducted into the club in 1987. May and Elio became very close friends to he and Carolyn. May and Elio regularly donated to the Rotary Foundation. Elio passed away before May. Frank said that he was the executor of their estate and when May passed away, he wrote a check to the Foundation for just over $1M. The Rotary Foundation then honored May and Elio as Arch Klumph Society members. Arch Klumph Society members are honored in Evanston with a plaque on the Arch Klumph Society wall.
President Ramesh talked about the completion of the greenhouse at Black Miners Bar and thanked all the Rotarians who worked on the project.
President Ramesh announced that Rich Rider and Vicki Bencken are going on a Rotoplast project to India with District Governor Steve Turner and other Rotarians from our district.
President Ramesh reminded the members that World Polio Day is October 24, a good day to donate to End Polio Now.
President Ramesh mentioned that the Veterans Day parade will be on November 11 and requested members to bring leftover Halloween Candy to the club so the candy can be distributed along the parade route.
President Ramesh welcomed our newest member, Kevin Goddard. District Governor Steve pinned the Rotary pin on Kevin. Kevin gave us some information about himself.
Jim Ortega levied fines.
Vicki Bencken introduced our speaker, Peter Le Lievre, President of the Mother Lode Chapter of Flying Samaritans. Peter talked about what Flying Samaritans do and how the new van will serve the needs of the volunteers who go to Baja California serving those in need.
President Ramesh presented a chocolate Rotary Wheel from Snook’s to Peter for speaking to us.
Peter and President Ramesh
Oktoberfest 2024
The Rotary Club of Folsom and the Rotary Club of Fair Oaks held their Oktoberfest fund raiser on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at the Folsom Community Center. The event was well attended and everyone looked like they were having a good time. Thanks go to Frank Ali, Scott Moore, Scott Bailey, and their committee for putting on a great fund raiser. 
For more photos of the event, go to Oktoberfest.
November Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy November Birthday to the following Rotarians:
  • Frank Ali - November 5
  • Chuck Thurman - November 8
  • Rich Rider - November 11
  • Adrian Blanco - November 29
Happy November Anniversary to the following couples:
  • Rich and Gay Pepin - November 4 - 52 years
  • Trish and Jess Saylor - November 22 - 38 years
Oct 31, 2024
No meeting tonight, but please join us on Sun., Oct. 27 for Oktoberfest!
Nov 07, 2024
Foster Youth in Transition
Nov 14, 2024
From Darkness to Redemption
Nov 21, 2024
A magical event not to be missed
Nov 28, 2024
Dec 05, 2024
Folsom Fire Department Operations Update
Dec 12, 2024
Please join us for our annual holiday celebration
Dec 19, 2024
Rotary mission to South Africa
Dec 26, 2024
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