Meeting Notes from September 5, 2024
Dawn Johnson was the member highlighted in the pre-meeting slides on September 5. The slides from the meeting will be available in a future Bullegraph.
The meeting of September 5 was opened by President Ramesh Dontha leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob Mange gave the Invocation.
Secretary Jim Padgett introduced guests and visiting Rotarians. 
Chuck Thurman talked about the Celebration of Life for past Rotarian President Mo Elliott. It will be on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at the Folsom Community Center at 11 am.  Attire is Hawaiian casual if that works for you.
Henry Sundermier talked about the Community Service Project of planting daffodil bulbs on September 21. Do not bring power tools to the project. We need to use hand tools because the city does not know what is below the surface where the bulbs will be planted. He also said the Lembi Park benches around the pickleball court project will be in late September or early October.
President Ramesh talked about a roofing project at the Folsom Zoo that will be completed on Community Service Day. The project is to re-roof the gift shop and the ticket booth. On September 9, there was a small work party to cleanup and prep. On September 16 there will be a work party to replace sheathing on the roof and on September 21, there will be a work party to install skylights and put shingles on the roof. We are doing this project under the supervision of Straightline Roofing.
Sign-up sheets were passed around the room for the Renaissance Faire on September 28 and 29.  If you were not at the meeting and can volunteer for a shift, contact Colnn Miguelgorry or Scott Moore.
Chuck and Connie Thompson were at the meeting and talked about a fundraiser their club is having on Friday, October 4, 2024. Below is the slide they shared at our meeting. 
Frank Ali talked about the Oktoberfest fundraiser on October 27, 2024. We need to sell 252. Scott said that tickets are online and can be accessed using the QR code on the flyers or business cards. Jay Alling asked members to help get sponsors. He passed out a flyer that covers the different levels of sponsorship. 
Jim Ortega levied fines.
Vicki Bencken introduced our speaker, Matthew Romsa, Donor Relations Director for CASA Sacramento (Court Appointed Special Advocates). CASAs are volunteers of all backgrounds who make a commitment to advocate for the needs of the child or sibling group with whom they are matched. A CASA gets to know a child’s situation, communicates with professionals on the case, and makes sure the child’s needs are being met. Matthew talked about the organization and how important the organization is for foster children. Jane Lamborn is a CASA who began  volunteering in 2022. She talked about a specific child that she advocated for. 
At the conclusion of the presentation, President Ramesh presented a chocolate Rotary Wheel to Matthew for sharing what CASA is and does for the community.
Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary Project
by President Ramesh Dontha (copied from FaceBook)
Volunteers from our club got a head start for September 21 Community Service Day by cleaning up the debris from the roofs and building new railings at the Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary's gift shop and ticket booth on September 9. The final project is re-roofing both structures by working along side skilled professionals from Straightline Roofing and Construction.
Fay Nazari and I got a life lesson on the consequences of not listening to your supervisor, John Messner. Luckily we were able to fix the issues although we are still upset that Justin Raithel snitched on us to our boss. 
Also, it must be a special project as the maestro, John Messner, who prides himself on not wearing work gloves for any project, wore work gloves today. All in all, it was a fun project working with our friends Matt Sundermier, Tim Hughes, Will Kempton, Fay Nazari, John Messner, and Justin Raithel. Two Straightline employees were also working today.
For more photos of this work party, go to Folsom City Zoo Sanctuary on our website.
Sep 12, 2024
Recognizing Folsom Police and Fire Departments for their service.
Sep 19, 2024
911 Communications
Sep 26, 2024
Mosquito and West Nile Virus Prevention
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