Meeting Notes from August 1, 2024
The meeting of August 1 was opened by President Ramesh Dontha leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob Mange gave the Invocation.
Secretary Jim Padgett introduced visitors and visiting Rotarians.
President Ramesh reminded the members that Have Mercy Band will be playing at the new Crawdads on the Lake Restaurant on August 24 as a fundraiser for Powerhouse Ministries. The $20 cover fee goes to Powerhouse. Tickets can be purchased at or at the door. President Ramesh also announced that the Fifth Thursday Special Event will be at Folsom Lake Bowl on August 29, contact Jason Brinitzer.
Paul Bonaventure asked for volunteers to help cook and serve at the public safety luncheon on September 12. Rather than having a caterer, the club will be cooking and serving a Santa Maria luncheon. See Paul if you can volunteer.
Folsom Community Service Day will be Saturday, September 21. Our project will be planting daffodil bulbs on Sutter Street. You can sign-up at
cummunityserviceday and use password RotaryClubs.
Frank Ali reported on Oktoberfest which is on Sunday, October 7 at the Folsom Community Center. Silent auction items needed are bottles of wine and beer. Empty growlers are requested for table decorations. If you know of a potential sponsor, contact Jay Ailing.
Assistant District Governor Ryan Jantzen levied fines.
President Ramesh introduced our speaker Charles Gellman, Chief Patient Advocate with HIDO Health. Charles talked about an AI assisted patient-centric device that HIDO developed.
President Ramesh presented a Chocolate Rotary Wheel from Snook's to Charles for his presentation. The HIDO device is on the table next to Charles.