Meeting Notes from March 21, 2024
The meeting of March 21 was opened by President Justin Raithel leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob Mange gave the Invocation.
Secretary Jim Padgett introduced visiting Rotarians and Tom Tucker who resigned from the club about 20 years ago.
The Rotary Club of Granite Bay is having a fund-raiser called A Taste of Italy on Saturday, April 27 from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm. For information and tickets, go to
Italian Dinner.
President Justin shared an invitation to the club from the Rotary Club of Placerville for their 80th Anniversary that will be on Saturday, April 20. If you are interested in attending the event, contact President Justin about event details.
Ryan Jantzen announced that he helped the Rotary Club of El Dorado Hills with a high school leadership conference in El Dorado Hills.
New member, Fay Nazari, received her member badge and told us about herself. Fay is a dentist in Roseville and lives here in Folsom.
Paul Bonaventure is the Youth Protection Officer for our club and is on the district committee for youth protection. He gave a training presentation on Rotary youth protection.
John Baciocco introduced our speaker, Doug Zezoff. Doug's presentation was about 2023 income taxes and 2024 income tax updates.
President Justin presented a gift of Snook's Rotary Chocolate Wheel to Doug.
Meeting Notes from March 28, 2024
The meeting of March 28 was opened by President Justin Raithel leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob Mange gave the Invocation.
Secretary Jim Padgett introduced visiting guests and visiting Rotarians. Jim announced that Dave Boldt should be home in a couple of weeks.
President Justin talked about the Dragon Boat race on Saturday, April 6 from 9 am until 2:30 pm at Black Miners Bar. There will be practice races on Wednesday, April 3. The Rotary team has raised $2,882.22 (47%) of their fund-raising goal for Powerhouse Ministries.
Trudy Nygren announced that there will be a workday at the Lake Natoma Nursery and Gardens on April 10 from 9 to 11 am.
Tim Hughes passed out a flyer for an Indoor Golf Tournament benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society on Friday, April 19. If you are interested in the tournament, you can contact Tim at
(408) 892-1650.
Matt Sundermier talked about the camping trip from June 7 to June 9 at Camp Lotus. Camp Lotus has RV camp sites, cabins, and tents camping. Excursions on Saturday will include river rafting and wine tasting. The club will provide dinners on Friday and Saturday. You can go to our club website and register at
Fines were levied by Ramesh Dontha.
Scott Bailey introduced our speaker, Jackie Long. Jackie is a trainer with NCC Training (Narcotics, Clandestine Labs, & Illicit Cannabis). Jackie's presentation was about fentanyl and other similar drugs. President Justin presented a gift of Snook's Rotary Chocolate Wheel to Jackie.
April Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday to the following members:
- Rik Bennett - April 5
- Peter Evenhuis - April 9
- Monika Reyes - April 9
- Henry Sundermier - April 12
- Jay Alling - April 17
- Joe Hoffman - April 23
- Dave Boldt - April 28
Happy Anniversary to the following couples:
- Doug and Wendy Burton - April 16 - 47 years
- Bill and Ann Hutto - April 17 - 31 years
- Chris and Rachel Marsh - April 21 - 12 years
- Toby and Jean Magarian - April 23 - 36 years
- Jim and Susan Ortega - April 30 - 19 years