On Monday, November 11, members of the Rotary Clubs of Folsom, Historic Folsom, and Folsom Lake marched in the Folsom "Wayne Spence" Veterans Day Parade. The Interact Clubs of Folsom High School and Vista Del Lago High School marched with them and handed out candy to children along the route. The theme of the Rotary float this year was MASH (from the TV show) and the members of the clubs were dressed appropriately. Thanks to President Elect Scott Bailey for putting together another great float this year.
Santa's Christmas Cottage in Historic Folsom, right next to the ice rink, is all done and ready for Santa Claus. Rotarian John Messner spent countless hours pre-building the cottage in his garage. He built panels for the floor and walls and built roof sections. The building can be taken down and stored for next year. A volunteer crew from all three Rotary Clubs put the pre-built pieces together over 2 days. A large crane lifted the humongous roof structures and put them in place on the second day.
Prior to the start of the Rotary Club of Folsom October 24th meeting, there was a ceremonial passing of a Chevrolet van from the Rotary Club of Arden Arcade to the Rotary Club of Folsom to the Flying Samaritans Mother Lode Chapter. The van will be used in Mexico when the Mother Lode and Gold Coast Chapters of Flying Samaritans are on their missions to provide medical services to those in need in Baja California. The new van will replace a very rusted 25 year old Ford van.
2013 11 seat Chevrolet 1500 van going to Baja California, Mexico.
On Saturday, October 19, Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Folsom, the Rotary Club of Historic Folsom, and the Rotary Club of Folsom Lake completed the greenhouse at the Lake Natoma Nursery and Gardens at Black Miners Bar.
At the February 22 meeting of the Rotary Club of Folsom, the 2024 Teacher Grants were presented to the teachers who were selected based on their projects.
Teachers who received grants and their guests. Rotarian Bob Mange is on the far right.
Bob Mange was emcee for the presentations and gave the following introduction about the grant program and our support of Folsom schools.
On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 50 community business leaders met with 65 juniors from Folsom High School and Vista Del Lago High School at the 29th Annual Dave West Partnerships for Tomorrow Youth Leadership Conference held at Lakeside Church. This conference unites high school students with business and community leaders representing the City of Folsom to discuss leadership skills and ethical choices in the work place, in schools, and in the local and global community.
Students and business leaders meet over continental breakfast.
Group discussion between students, mentors, and business leader.
The first dictionary distribution to third graders this year was held at Carl Sundahl School on Monday, February 12. On hand to distribute the dictionaries were Rich Pepin, Chris Marsh (who attended Carl Sundahl School), Brent Sundahl, Len Hundshamer, Cathy Hundshamer, Peter Evenhuis, Charlie Grows, Frank Woods, and Mike McAtee (member of Historic Folsom Rotary Club). Carl Sundahl was a prominent dentist in Folsom and a Past President of the Rotary Club of Folsom.
One of the club's Community Service Project this year was to re-roof the Twin Lakes Food Bank. The club partnered with Straight Line Construction to lay down the shingles on Saturday, September 17. Prior to the 17th, club members worked on the roof replacing dry rot and doing other repairs. Here are photos of the project on the 17th.
The installation of All Access Equipment at Lembi Park was the Community Service Day project for the Rotary Club of Folsom although it took several days to complete.
On Saturday, July 24, Folsom Rotarians removed the old decking from the viewing area and installed new decking. Led by Rotarian Justin Raithel, the project started at 8 am and was completed about 4 hours later.
Work party at completion of step 1 of the project. A small group of Rotarians finished the railing on Tuesday, August 3.
To see what the deck looked like before replacement and photos of the work, go to Viewing Deck project.
The Rotary Club of Folsom, through the Folsom Rotary Foundation, is raising funds to help our community due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Your donation allows us to purchase and donate PPEs (e.g., face shields and masks) to those who need them in our community. People like hospital workers, first responders, and those providing essential services. In addition to much needed PPEs for the front line, funds will also be used to support local non-profits such as food banks, senior services, etc. that are providing so much to those affected by Covid-19.
Your donations are needed now so we can keep our community safe!
If you are a community member in need of our services and/or need a PPE, please email info@folsomrotaryfoundation.com .
On Tuesday, February 25, 50 community business leaders met with 50 Folsom High School juniors at the 25th Annual Partnerships for Tomorrow Youth Leadership Conference held at Lakeside Church. This conference unites high school students with business and community leaders representing the City of Folsom to discuss leadership skills and ethical choices in the work place, in schools, and in the local and global community.
Students and business leaders meet first thing over continental breakfast.
Group discussion between students and business leaders.
From Monday, February 3 through Thursday, February 20, members of the Rotary Clubs of Folsom and Historic Folsom gave every third grader in Folsom a dictionary. Below is a photo of third graders at Sandra Gallardo Elementary School receiving their dictionaries.
At the Rotary Club of Folsom meeting on February 6, 17 teachers from Folsom schools received grants ranging from $150 to $500. Bob Mangeintroduced each teacher who was at the meeting. Sonny Da Marto, of the Rotary Club of Folsom Lake and Ray Ward, Rotary District 5180 District Governor, presented the checks to each teacher. The teachers then told us their grade level and a little about what they were doing with the grant.
November 2019 has been a busy month for the Rotary Club of Folsom. On November 2, members painted Santa's sleigh for the Folsom Police Officers Association. Every year, Santa and Mrs. Claus travel through the neighborhoods of Folsom bringing Christmas Cheer to children and collecting donations of new toys and non-perishable food for the Police Department’s Annual Christmas Food Drive program benefiting local families in need.
On November 9, members worked at the Powerhouse Ministries Transformation Center painting the kitchen and installing cabinets.
On November 11, our club and the Folsom High School Interact Club marched in the Folsom Veterans Day Parade.
For more photos of these events, go to the Busy November 2019 photo album.
Folsom Community Service Day was Saturday, September 21. The Rotary Club of Folsom led two projects. One crew of Rotarians built two pergolas at the Murer House adjacent to the bocce ball court.
On Saturday, January 12, several Rotarians under the direction of Justin Raithel, installed the decking on the long boardwalk on the bike trail that parallels Glenn between Sibley and Folsom Blvd. The project started at 8 AM and was done about 1 PM. As usual, refreshments were available. The club demolished this deck on December 16.
On Saturday, November 10, 12 Folsom Rotarians removed a boardwalk on the Folsom Bike Trail. Justin Raithel drove an excavator provided by Bob Blackwell and he was able to pick up sections of the boardwalk and put them in a dumpster.
On September 15, 2018, more than 3,300 city volunteers worked on over 70 projects for Folsom Community Service Day. Rotary Club of Folsom members worked hard Saturday morning on several projects serving our seniors.
At the Rotary Club of Folsom meeting on February 22, 14 teachers from Folsom schools received grants totaling $5,155. The amount of each grant ranged from $191 to $500. Bob Mangeintroduced each teacher who was at the meeting and presented the checks. Upon receiving the checks, each teacher explained his/her project.
Left to right - Tamara Sutton, Dale Waldo, Jessica Vota, Michelle MacDonald, Glenda Hartman, Melanie Roehrs, Kim Smith, Kari Bjork, Brian Schaubmayer,
Starting Monday, January 29 and going through Friday, February 9, members of the Rotary Clubs of Folsom and Historic Folsom are giving every third grader in Folsom a dictionary. Below is a photo of some of the third graders at Gold Ridge Elementary School on January 30 after they received their dictionaries.
On Saturday, November 11, 2017, the Rotary Clubs of Folsom, Folsom Lake, and Historic Folsom participated in the 17th Annual Veterans Parade in Folsom. Members of the Folsom High School Interact Club and the Folsom Lake High Interact Club marched with Rotarians and Rotary family members. The Rotary group also included three classic cars and four Rotarians on Segways.
The Rotary Club of Folsom participated in Community Service Day on Saturday, September 16 in a big way. Twenty-six members worked from early morning to late afternoon installing a 13-person Cross Fit rig at Willow Hill Reservoir Community Park. The Rotary Club of Folsom purchased the Cross Fit rig for this park at a cost of $12,500. On Sunday, October 15, the club completed the project with the addition of wood fiber under the rig.
On Thursday, August 24, members of the Rotary Clubs of Folsom and Historic Folsom gathered on the Johnny Cash Bike Trail at the Donor Wall for the unveiling of a Rotary plaque. The Donor Wall is for individuals and organizations who have donated to the Johnny Cash Art Experience. Robert Goss, City of Folsom Parks and Recreation Director, conducted the ceremony.
Bill Hutto, Immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of Folsom, removed the cover on the plaque for the Rotary Clubs.
On Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 50 community business leaders met with 50 Folsom High School juniors at the 22nd Partnerships for Tomorrow Youth Leadership Conference held at Lakeside Church. This conference unites high school students with business and community leaders representing the City of Folsom to discuss leadership skills and ethical choices in the work place, in schools, and in the local and global community.
On Saturday, December 17, 16 members of the Rotary Club of Folsom joined 44 other Folsom volunteers and planted trees along the new Lake Natoma trail between the Lake Natoma Crossing Bridge and the Rainbow Bridge. The trail is still under construction and should open sometime next spring.
Photo of the trail from Lake Natoma Bridge Crossing.
Paul Bonaventure and John Abernethy in back, Ken Stuart and John Messner in front.
If you ever thought of going to a Rotary International Convention, next year is the time to go. The RI Convention will be in Atlanta, Georgia from June 10 to June 14, 2017. This convention will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Rotary Foundation. Going to an international convention is fun and very educational. To learn more about the convention, go to Atlanta 2017.
District Governor Nominee Sandra Sava has set up a District 5180 hotel in Atlanta. If you are interested in going to the convention, let Frank Woods know and he will send you the email with reservation information.
At the Club Demotion on June 30, 2016, Ramesh Dontha presented a video highlighting the 2015/2016 Rotary year. If you were not at the Demotion or were there and would like to see it again, here is the video.
I also posted the video on the Rotary Club of Folsom website.
At our regular meeting on Thursday, June 24, 2016, the Folsom Rotary Clubhouse was renamed the Robert H. Miller III Rotary Clubhouse. Over 110 people attended the dedication including former Rotarians, spouses, members of Bob's family, Bob and Candy's high school friends, Chamber of Commerce members, and City of Folsom officials.
On Saturday, November 14, several Folsom Rotarians and spouses gathered at the Folsom Zoo to string lights along the fences by the bear enclosures for Wild Nights and Holiday Lights.
On Wednesday, November 11, several thousand spectators gathered in the city of Folsom to pay tribute to veterans and active members in military service.
On Saturday, September 19, the Rotary Club of Folsom installed a third shade structure in the dog park at the Cummings Family Park. We were one of 26 projects for Folsom Community Service Day. Photo is the completed structure with Justin Raithel, Community Service Director.